Sunday, June 1, 2014

7th Sunday in Easter - John 17: 1-11a - "Prayer & Spirit"

Happy Easter!  The Lord is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!
He has ascended to the Father! Alleluia! Alleluia!
He sends us the Holy Spirit as He promised! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Let us rejoice and be glad for Jesus has shown us the way to the Father is through Him.  All that Jesus has - given him by the Father - Jesus has shared with us.  To know Jesus is to know the Father.  This is the truth we accept as disciples.  This is the reality of our faith.  Knowledge of the Father is through the Son and in the Son we have knowledge of the Father. Jesus is the gateway that leads to eternal life in the Father.

The Spirit of the Father and the Son is coming to - guide and comfort us, - lead and console us, - direct and assure us - so we may continue to lead others to Jesus, so they too may know the Father and the Son and have eternal life.  Jesus knows we need the Spirit of the Father and the Son to strengthen us and be with us in this world.

The power of the evil-one is a deadly force against which Jesus sends us the Spirit, so we may resist and overcome temptation.  With the Spirit we find courage to live as disciples, keeping the Word within us and sharing the Word with the world, so all may come to know the Father and the Son.

In prayer, we invite the Spirit into our hearts.
In prayer, we find strength and courage to discern God’s call to us in our hearts and live that call each day.
In prayer, our discipleship in Christ grows and our love increases.
In prayer, God’s love for us is revealed enabling us to bring His love to others.
In prayer, the seeds of our life in Christ finds fertile soil and grows in the Light of God’s love.
In prayer, we hear the voice of the Shepherd calling us to follow him to safety and peace - to verdant pastures and running streams - in the kingdom of God.

Today, we hear the Apostles gathering in prayer in preparation for the coming of the Spirit and in preparation for all they will do in bringing the Good News of Jesus to the world.  We too need to pray, in preparation for all Jesus asks of us, as we bring the Good News to the world of God’s love for all His children.

Let us continue to invite the Holy Spirit, Father and Son - to come upon us through constant prayer.  As disciples, who truly believe that Jesus is the Christ, the one who bring us into the embrace of the Father’s love:
We proclaim today and everyday– Jesus Christ is Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen!

Deacon Don Ron

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