There are few proclaimed kings in the world today who can claim a
royal lineage, though there are plenty of people who act as though they are
royalty – ‘lording’ it over others while serving their needs before the people.
We also have the royalty ‘du jour’ - media celebrities; who claim
our attention during their 15 minutes of fame, but none of them is royalty in any
real sense. None of them live as real
royalty should live – as servants to the people; putting the needs of others
before their own needs. Caring for those
in most need, ensuring: the hungry are fed, the naked are clothed, the
sorrowful are comforted, the sick are healed,
the poor are heard, the sinful forgiven, and all - are loved.
These are the marks of true kingship. This is royalty at its best.
This is the Kingship of Christ – who leads us - through service and sacrifice –
who places us – God’s beloved - before all else – a king who loves us so much
that he gave his life - to free us from our captivity to sin; bringing us into
the light , peace and joy of life everlasting in His heavenly kingdom.
Christ is King: betrayed and denied; saving us from sin and
destruction, healing our wounds, drawing us into his embrace.
Christ is a King: scorned and mocked; caring for the least and the
forgotten, without counting cost
Christ is King: ridiculed and condemned; giving us life, leading
us to God, the Father
Christ is King: who – even at the point of death - in his pain and
suffering - reached out to a repentant sinner; healing – forgiving - delivering
him up into everlasting life
Our salvation is beyond the human condition – our kings and
leaders cannot save – they cannot free us from sin – they cannot bring us
everlasting peace and joy – they cannot give us life eternal. They cannot love
us – with the love that feeds the true desire of our heart
We cannot cry out to them in our anguish and pain – “Remember me
when you come into your kingdom” because their kingdom, - their power, - their
glory - is not everlasting and their rule is subject to decay and death – they are
just as we, human: weak – frail - limited - finite
We cannot call them ‘Abba’ - Father – or turn to them in our
darkest moments – or share with them our burdens and sorrows – or cry out to
them in our pain and suffering – or receive true forgiveness from them for our
Our real needs are beyond their abilities to bring true healing, -
true peace, - true forgiveness and true love.
Only Jesus, the Christ is King!
- A king unlike any king the world has ever seen
- A king who rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey
- A king who called the lowly and powerless - friends and companions
- A king who lived in poverty and homelessness; sharing our human condition
- A king who healed the sick, cured the lame and gave sight to the blind
- A king who brought the Good News to the poor
Jesus is the King who resisted temptation, rejecting all the
riches and power of this world
- The king who was jeered by the people and denied by his friends
- The king who suffered degradation, humiliation and violence
- The king whose cross of shame – became his throne of victory; victory over death -- to reign triumphant – King forever and ever
Jesus Christ is the King of whom we can ask – in our sin and
sorrow, “Jesus, remember me!” Bring me into your kingdom.
Deacon Don Ron
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